The whole premise of "unanswered prayer" has really bugged me lately. Not in the sense that I am angry at God, no, but the fact that many of us today blame the Creator because He doesn't answer in a timely fashion to fix our puny needs. (I say puny because our needs don't compare to what God has for us in the long run) But I am finding that through prayer, even though my prayers don't get answered as soon as I speak the request, I gain a sense of unity when I speak to the Father. I wonder what would happen if we, who say we are "born-again evangelicals", would stop asking God to meet our needs all the time and ask Him what it is we could be doing for His Kingdom? I mean Jesus said it best when he said "not my will but your will be done." I mean could we utter those words with a sincere heart? This is something that I want to know more and more. Even though my prayers are important, it is more important to know that my prayers and my purpose is aligned with His will for my life.
The idea of God not answering prayer is rubbish. I think that it is a slap in the face. The problem as I see it is we are asking for things outside His will for our lives. For me God has always provided, in ways that I could only say "Wow, I didn't see that coming." It was in those moments that I knew God was with me and that He was more than real. To be honest I don't think that we will see that "light" at the end of the tunnel until that glorious day when Christ calls us home! But until then, we must avert our eyes and hearts to the Maker because if we are to find any comfort and peace in this crazy world, it has to come from Him. Stop praying for non-sense and pray for God's will......hope you are offended!