Well, it's been a few weeks since I last posted. Let's do a recap. I preached two services on evangelism, saw Alabama lose to South Carolina, had an awesome student messy game night and now I am recuperating from the madness. I think I finally got all of the shaving cream out of my ear. Ah, the joys of being a student pastor.
But something is on my mind. I sometimes feel as if I am trying to sell Jesus to students. Like Jesus is something like a car. Here is all of the nice parts about becoming a Christian and you should jump aboard. I am not saying that my faith is wavering or I am confessing something blasphemous, I am just wrestling with that thought right now. Don't know what to think about it but I don't think that it is bad.
I just feel that sometimes there is more to it than me telling the students about Jesus. I mean I know that relationships are important and having key leaders involved in the lives of students but am I missing something? I know it's not about flashy lights and the best worship team in town. I mean the Bible speaks for itself and we are just vessels to expand it's meaning and presence in the world by living out the words on the pages.
So, what to do? I am realizing that I need to stop relying so much on my teaching abilities and start working on more of the hands-on abilities. Recently, you would have heard me say it's all about the "heart knowledge not the head knowledge" meaning that it needs to come forth in action. But sometimes it is hard to do such things when everything is resting on your shoulders. I think that my problem is that I rely too much on ministering to kids and not actually living out my faith in my community. Do I really stop to listen or talk with people about Christ? I feel sometimes as if my job alone is supposed to do all of that and I don't think I am right. Yes, students need to hear about God but so do others in our community.
So, my prayer is that God would reveal to me ways to get our students living the words of Christ through actions in our community. It's great to have them all meet on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings but I think we need a more hands-on approach. While teaching and preaching is one of my strong suits, getting actively involved is where I struggle. I think we all struggle in this area. Can you admit it?