Thursday, August 13, 2009

Triscuit's and Prayer

Thought the title would get your attention. During my devotion this week, I've been looking at the aspect of prayer. So what better place to have the perfect model than the Lord's prayer given via the disciple's request. As I shared with our students tonight, we have some misconceptions on how we approach prayer: hypocrisy, babbling, and distractions. You are probably wondering "where in the world does this fit in to prayer?" Isn't prayer about God meeting our needs? Well, kinda. If you read in Matthew 6 starting in verse 5, Jesus gives them wise advice when it comes to prayer. Things that prayer shouldn't be. I personally fall into all three, you probably do to. Isn't it funny that we say we are gonna pray for something or for someone and we fail to do so. I feel like the biggest hypocrite. I say I care and your need is important to me but I fail in offering it to the Father. I really do care but not enough I guess when compared to this passage. But it doesn't stop there....I only wish it did...when or where did we get the idea that we have to eloquently pray some recited prayer to touch the heart of God? I find it sad that we can't even be honest in our prayers. We think that we have to say this and that in hopes that God will hear us. Not true. God always listens. But this last area falls into a category that I am working on and it is finding time to devote to my Father. Communication is easily blocked by distractions. No matter what is on the agenda for the day, Satan will do everything possible to detour your thoughts from the most important issue at hand. Finding that quiet place with no distractions is key for me. It is really hard to have a quiet moment when I am being the distraction. So prayer is not about being something you are not, and it's not about praying eloquent, deep, theological prayers and it is not effective if we are a distraction to God in the moment we want Him to hear our prayers. I hope this makes sense to someone. It sounds good coming out of my about the Triscuit's...I was hungry at 12:34 am and thought it would get your attention...did it work?

Pressing on.