Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ground control to Major Tom....

Like the intro? Yes, it doesn't make sense. But it got that song stuck in your head didn't it? Anywho, well what's new with me. Well I'll tell you.

Recently, I have been re-reading a few books. I would consider you reading both of these books with caution! The first one is called "Radical" by David Platt and alongside of it I started reading "The Hole in our Gospel" by Richard Stearns (President of World Vision) joined with an awesome message about "contentment" this past Sunday morning and adding all of that together my mind and my heart are changing. I want to give more. I want to serve more. I want to go more. The more that I read and see in life, I understand that it has less to do about me. It has all to do with the world. The other people who don't know that God is desperately seeking them and has made a way to know Him through Christ.

And I wonder how many times we forget that it is a privilege and honor to know Christ but also to be associated with Him means that it demands a life of sacrifice and humility? I thank God everyday for the blessings that I sometimes so easily take for granted. As I look and see around the world, their are millions of people who would love to have the liberties and freedom that I enjoy. So, what do I do about it?

I have decided that every three years or less that I am gonna go. I am gonna save money and go. I want to go and tell people about Christ around the world. But not just save money and go but give more money. What good is it sitting in my bank if people need food and water? So, it starts this Spring Break in Haiti. My wife and I are going to serve and to meet the needs of the people in Haiti. I want to feel what they feel and see what they see. I want my eyes to be opened further than what I see here in America. So, I will go.

What if we could stop for a second and analyze our lives, our churches and take a look beyond ourselves and see that we could do more. No, I am not one of those political nuts or extreme rally persons, but I do think that we are so narrow-minded when it comes to how many people don't know Christ. Last time I checked, everyone was called to continue the mission of Christ. In case you forgot or need a slap in the face it's: Love God will all your heart, mind, soul and strength, Love your neighbor as yourself and Go and share the Gospel with the nations. How are you doing with that?


Friday, October 22, 2010

It's raining.....

Well, it's been a few weeks since I last posted. Let's do a recap. I preached two services on evangelism, saw Alabama lose to South Carolina, had an awesome student messy game night and now I am recuperating from the madness. I think I finally got all of the shaving cream out of my ear. Ah, the joys of being a student pastor.

But something is on my mind. I sometimes feel as if I am trying to sell Jesus to students. Like Jesus is something like a car. Here is all of the nice parts about becoming a Christian and you should jump aboard. I am not saying that my faith is wavering or I am confessing something blasphemous, I am just wrestling with that thought right now. Don't know what to think about it but I don't think that it is bad.

I just feel that sometimes there is more to it than me telling the students about Jesus. I mean I know that relationships are important and having key leaders involved in the lives of students but am I missing something? I know it's not about flashy lights and the best worship team in town. I mean the Bible speaks for itself and we are just vessels to expand it's meaning and presence in the world by living out the words on the pages.

So, what to do? I am realizing that I need to stop relying so much on my teaching abilities and start working on more of the hands-on abilities. Recently, you would have heard me say it's all about the "heart knowledge not the head knowledge" meaning that it needs to come forth in action. But sometimes it is hard to do such things when everything is resting on your shoulders. I think that my problem is that I rely too much on ministering to kids and not actually living out my faith in my community. Do I really stop to listen or talk with people about Christ? I feel sometimes as if my job alone is supposed to do all of that and I don't think I am right. Yes, students need to hear about God but so do others in our community.

So, my prayer is that God would reveal to me ways to get our students living the words of Christ through actions in our community. It's great to have them all meet on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings but I think we need a more hands-on approach. While teaching and preaching is one of my strong suits, getting actively involved is where I struggle. I think we all struggle in this area. Can you admit it?


Friday, October 8, 2010

Less of me....

So, to inform you of something you may not think that pastors think about is the fact that sometimes we do want to see people in the seats of our churches. There I said it. It is discouraging sometimes because you wonder what is going on? Am I not saying the right things, doing the right games, playing the right videos? While these things can be important to drawing people and entertaining them, do they really matter? For the longest time I have been, for lack of a better word "brainwashed" into thinking that we had to put on a show for people and then tell them about God's Word. Or that I had to present it this way because if I do and the lighting hits just right then, then that person will understand why they need Jesus in their life. Really? Can I draw students by my voice alone? Can the stupid video impact a student's life for eternity? Can that fog light really help me see Jesus?

I have come to this conclusion. That stuff is great and all but the power of God is way better! (I took that from Kanye, get it?) I feel that we focus way too much on saying the right thing, preaching the right thing or entertaining the masses so they can be awed and ewwwed to come back to our services. Since when did the Bible need flashing lights and high energy worship to make sense? Why do we need these things? I think that God wants to move without those things and will if we allow Him to.

You know I heard the other day that the Bible stands alone and doesn't need anyone to doctor it up or dress it up for people to understand. It's plain and simple. The truth is right there. Well, I don't understand what it says? Well, have you read it? Reading a passage from Leviticus about sacrificing animals is probably not the place you need to start. My point is this and I will quit rambling: do we not trust in the power of God to do great things? I mean God is wanting to do amazing things in our lives and the lives of others but do we want that? Are our minds caught up in the flashiness of putting on a production or are we allowing God to draw men unto Himself? Here's the thing I have learned, well still learning, is that God will provide you people that are hurting and need Jesus. What are you going to do with them when they show up? Point them to the flashy lights or point them to the Light that points to forgiveness?

Trusting in God is not easy, in fact it's a huge risk but whom else would you put your trust in? God will provide if you ask. He will move if you ask. He will show you amazing things if you ask. Do you want it?

Not I but Christ,
