Friday, May 15, 2009

May I have your attention?

As I was reading today in my devotion time, I came across the passage when Moses encountered the burning bush and how God got his attention. Moses' remark was "Amazing!" As I was reading, I tried to place myself in the picture and try to understand how this would apply to my life. It was so simple but has deep implications for all of us who follow Christ passionately. In the OT when God wanted to get peoples attention it was usually in some dramatic way like the "burning bush." What I took away from this was about how God does things in our life to get our attention. Over the past few months, we have really been praying for God to have His will be done in our lives and can I just say that God never fails! When that moment arrives it's when you least expect it to happen. The moment you have been praying for arrives and it's like "whew" thank you for carrying my burdens and proving yourself to be the Almighty God that I love and adore! But it is not so much about this answered prayer that really struck me. The thing I have taken away is this: Are we allowing God to get our attention? Am I leading a life that causes other to stop and wonder? I think it is in those moments where we can say that there is nothing special about the burning bush, but something unusually special about the fire that burns within. The essence of a Christian is in Galatians 2:20 "I myself no longer live, but Christ lives in me." When we can take on this attitude it is easier for God to get our attention because we live to burn for Him. I want other people to hear my story and see my life in a way that makes them stop and say "Amazing!" 

Being a burning bush without being bushed (or burned) draws attention.