Friday, December 3, 2010

Calling all parents

Hey parents how ya doing? Life going well? Job ok? Your kids doing good in school? Activities draining you right now? Holiday stress creeping in? Well, take a deep breath cause it will be ok.

This past week I have been hindered by a nasty flu bug/virus and it wasn't pretty. I had some time to think during that time, yes between the moments where I felt like puking and that my head was going to explode and guess what I was thinking about? Your students. Crazy huh?

This past wednesday night killed me because I couldn't be there to hang out with them. But God has placed some great leaders on Wednesday nights to step in and do the job when I can't be there. If you get a chance, tell Parish Austin, Elisabeth Smith, Kevin and Sheliea Lambing that you appreciate them. They do an amazing job putting up with me and sharing Christ with these students.

So, I know that was thrown in there but it was very much needed to be said. Without them we couldn't do the things we want to do. So back to your students.

I had some questions for you parents about students and their development during their time here at Grace.

My questions are:

1. What is the "end" result that you want to see happen in the lives of your student(s) after they graduate from high school and their time here at GBC Encounter Student Ministry?

2. Going off your answer from question #1, what is the best way for them achieve this result? Is it working? Why or why not? Be honest.

3. Going off your answer from question #2, do you think that the church is the primary place for this to happen or do you have another answer?

I ask these questions because I am curious how parents view the role of the church and the family. In some churches the family and the church are viewed as separate entities. If this is the case, then churches are missing an important piece between partnering with the family in seeing the lives of this generation change.

I say all of this because I think that as parents you ultimately want to see your students accomplish these three things in some shape or fashion:

1. You want your students to know that they are created to pursue a relationship with God
2. You want your students to know they belong to Christ and they are defined by what He says
3. You want your students to know that the reason they exist is to ultimately show and demostrate God's love to a broken world everyday

What if the church and the family combined in their efforts to make these things possible in every student and their families? Flash-forward 15 years from the age of your student, do you want to see them still living these core values as an adult? I think that you do. I know I want my kids to. When I have them.

We are on our way to making this a reality here at Grace Bible Church. We want to see the end result of our students grasp these three things and carry them with them throughout the rest of their lives. In their families, in their communities, in their future church homes.

So to wrap all of this up. As a parent, what can we do as the church to help you be the spiritual leaders of your students? Also, parents what can you do to provide your students opportunities to know that those three qualities are the foundation of your life?

I would love to hear your responses via email or responding to the blog. Take some time and think about this. Please ask questions, share your thoughts and feeling.

I am not going to stop making sure that our students leave knowing that that have a purpose and that there is a God who loves them. This is my passion and I want to see it happen. I believe that it can.

Aaron Smith