Wednesday, September 8, 2010

And then....

So, it's been awhile since I have posted on this thing. I guess I got the urge to do this today cause I saw my wife's blog page up on the computer. Looking back at my last post alot of things have changed. Let's see, God led us to La Vernia, TX to continue serving students, we moved away from family ( a whole day worth of traveling for Elisabeth's family), new community, new people, new staff, new everything but what is cool about this whole transition thing was that God had our backs. We didn't quite know what to understand, what it would look like, how we would feel, but all in all the move to Texas has been a blessing to both Elisabeth and I.

I will say that I am very grateful for the path that God has led us down. In fact, alot of people would say that they wish their lives could be different but I don't. Elisabeth and I have learned alot about each other, we have learned alot about God, our faith and a whole lot of patience. I will say this about the move out here to Texas; I don't think that God makes mistakes. I will leave it at that.

So here we are in a small town in Texas, in a church that is seeing people come to know Christ almost on every Sunday and it's great to see God's people live out their love for others and do the things necessary to give people the opportunity to encounter Jesus. Last Sunday we had 12 people accept Christ! God is good. God is moving and I want to be alongside of whatever He has planned for Grace Bible Church.

The students here at Grace have been hurt, they have been broken and need a leader that they can trust and build relationships with. I know that God has led us to Grace for this specific reason. It's my prayer that I would allow the Spirit to move through me, speak through me and draw students unto Christ not myself. For sometime now, I was trying to do soo much on my own that I wouldn't leave enough room for the Spirit to work. I quickly got away from the understanding that God draws men unto Himself and that we are vessels to be used in that process. Now, I am not saying that all I am going to do is sit around and pray all day and not prepare lessons. But my focus is on this key understanding: God will build his church, with or without me. So I need to let Him build His church and I need to be so close to Christ that I can be used in amazing ways to reach our to students and their families.

So, basically in my thinking, I am turning over a new leaf. I am not going to worry about the services and lessons and all that logistical stuff and focus more on the leading of the Spirit. God knows the hearts of men, he knows exactly what the students are dealing with and facing at school, home and etc. The question is do I trust Him?

God is up to some big things here at Grace and I am excited to be here serving alongside a family of devoted Christ-followers, a family that sacrifices, a family that loves. May we continue to pursue Christ out of love!
