Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Don't get burned...! Got to be one of the world's greatest things. For me, it's what wakes me up in the morning. funny thing about coffee is that it is hot and taste great. So, as I was chillin' this morning drinking my coffee in my Starbucks coffee mug/cup, I saw the warning label: "Careful, the beverage you're about to enjoy is extremely hot." So the thought that came to mind is, how many times do we disregard the message? How many times in life do we just jump right in without viewing the possible consequences for our actions? Even though it may taste good, look, feel good, but when it is all said and done, you get burned.

As I look at my relationship with God, I can see that sometimes I tend to do whatever I please, whenever I want to because "it my party and I'll cry if I want to" but in all reality I am setting myself up to be burned. I feel that many times the things that I choose to do or say or watch come from an innate desire to please myself, rather than please my Father. While I know that the contents of my actions are extremely dangerous or hot or unholy, I chose to do them anyways. Why is this? I think that I can relate to Paul when he talks about how he wants to do what is right but does wrong. No matter how hard he tries, he fails. He knows what the right thing to do is but something within him pushes him towards the dangerously, hot cup of coffee(insert your own device here). Could we chose to slow down and remember that sin is unholy and displeases God?

I think that many times we get caught up in the moment. In that moment we find ourselves making a choice on whether or not to make the right decisions. So basically we all have the opportunity to chose the right course of action but we would rather get burned instead. Have you ever had hot coffee spilled on you? It burns. It hurts. It is painful. But the effects of that burn, decision, can't leave immediately. The marks of our decisions sometimes last longer than we would like.

So anyways, I write some pretty random things sometimes and this is one of them. Hope it makes sense and you can take something away from it. In the mean time, let your coffee cool off of for a second before burning the mess out of your tongue and maybe the next time you drink a cup of joe, you might, just might remember the way we are supposed to act and treat others as you treat yourself to some arabica bean delight. Just sayin...
