Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Increased Enthusiasm

We have all been called to build something with our lives. Some times we think that building our future, our homes, our marriages, our 401k, etc. is the important things in life. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that building these things are bad but I think that if these are our main priorities in life, where does God fit in the equation? 

I believe that we are all called to take part in a massive plan that God is doing in this world. I also think that God specifically calls us to do specific things to grow and test our faith and the faith of others. I think that most people want to build a life that has every component exactly where it needs to be so they can say that my life is going great; everything is in order. But is it?

In the area of student ministry I constantly battle with building the student ministry. I struggle with building something through words or videos or games. A piece of me tells me that I have to do this to reach these students and that this is the only way to build your ministry. Then I kick myself in the head and say, "you're building what?"

Exactly. I have a vision. I have a dream. It will take alot of work. But ultimately, God does the building. There is no perfect video or perfect message that I can show or speak on that can do the amazing work of God in the hearts of students. Why do I have this urge to build this own my own? Sometimes this keeps me up at night because I want to see students lives changed and mentally/physically/spiritually I feel as if my enthusiasm is drained. It's hard to spread enthusiasm when physically and spiritually you are doing this by yourself.

I read something in the book of Haggai today that helped me and maybe it can help you as well. The nation of Israel was told to re-build the temple in Ezra and they started out strong but over time their enthusiasm dwindled and their priorities got in the way; what they thought was important. They said, "we can't build the temple unless we have our own houses to live in." Basically, they stopped the work because something else stepped in front of the passion and wonder they had for His temple. 

I look at this and say to myself: there have been times where I have started strong but have looked at other things along the way and it has distracted me from the vision that God has birthed in me. I think that doing it this way and doing this that way will produce production in the ministry, but in all honesty I get sidetracked like the people of Israel. I stop the work that God has called me to do.

I am encouraged by the way that God handled the situation in Haggai when God proclaimed to the people that the reason you don't see blessings in your life is because your focus has been on yourself. You don't see me in your life because, you decided to go a different direction. But God chose to help them get back on track. He uses a prophet to spark some enthusiasm back into the heart of the leaders. It's so awesome to see that God is a God of grace but a God of direction and love. God knows what He wants; the problem is that we think we know what God wants.

Many times I feel as if I need a boost of enthusiasm to keep going. We all do at times. We need a re-fill on God's presence in our lives. I am learning that I need more prayer with God, more devotion time with God than the time I put in other small insignificant ideas. I have to always remember that there are small things that I can do to help build the student ministry but in all honesty, if my priorities fall on other things such as videos, music, games, perfect message, then I will lose my passion and wonder for God's people. God will build anything if it involves a passionate heart and a desire to see His glory known. May I never forget this. 

I need to pray more, trust God more, ask for the impossible and allow Him to work through me to build His temple(student ministry).

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