Thursday, May 20, 2010

Seeing the impossible become possible

My heart is overjoyed this morning because we added a new person to the faith family. No, we didn't have a baby or get another dog, but we had a student last night accept Christ. It amazes me to see God working in the lives of students. You can see that they are living out the Word of God. I am seeing more and more that I can't control who comes to know Christ. The Father draws men unto Himself and the Holy Spirit opens the eyes and hearts of students. Lord, knows it's not my preaching that draws students! But it is awesome to see students living out their faith and seeing the fruit from it.

Last night we talked about how "through our eyes all things are impossible but through the eyes of God all things are possible". Sounds profound doesn't it? Well, it came from the Father but anyhow, we talked about how we as Christ-followers forget that we have been given the Living Spirit of God once we accept salvation. The power of God dwells within us to go out and do the "impossible" things, through our eyes, that Christ is calling us to do. We looked at two stories in Luke 9:1-6;12-17 the first being when Jesus sent out the disciples with "power and authority" to heal and share about the Kingdom of God. They were given a taste of the Holy Spirit to do the work of the Kingdom. But when they came back they were faced with a moment of truth, a moment of trust, a moment where they lacked the faith in Jesus, a moment of impossibility.

You see we forget that God has empowered us to do some impossible things such as, when I say impossible I am referring to the way we look at things through our eyes. Here are some examples: sharing our faith, having a personal quiet time, removing activities that pull us away from the Father, leaving some friends to go and share your life with those who have none, and the list can go on and on. The problem is that we lack the faith when we understand and see these things in Scripture. The disciples were given power and authority to do amazing things but failed to realize that Jesus was the One they needed to put their trust in. Why?

We have heard the story about the feeding of the 5,000 people, actually it was more like 20,000 people but when Jesus told the disciples to "feed the people" they protested and said "that's impossible." After they had done amazing miracles for the Kingdom they say "that's impossible?" So my thinking is this: how many times when we hear the Word, see the Word, feel God moving us to change something about our lives that we actually jump up and do it or how many times do we sit back and say "that's impossible?" We are no different than the disciples were that day. We neglect the power and authority that Jesus gives us for a comfortable life. We look to other sources instead of the Father when we are faced with impossible life decisions such as Oprah, Dr. Phil, facebook, T.V. etc.

So the question that I am asking is this: If you could do one thing that is impossible in your eyes and allow God to show you that it is possible through Him, what would it be? 
Maybe we need to stop looking at the impossibilities and start trusting in God to make things possible in our lives.

Three things:

1) We have been given the power and authority to do great things for Christ
·      2 Cor. 5:5 and John 16:12-15 (Holy Spirit)
·      “Feed them”
2) When God calls us, don’t’ focus on the impossible because God beckons us to make everything possible for His glory
·      Romans 8:1-2 and Phil. 4:13
·      “feeding of the 5,000 really 20,000 people”
·      Salvation is impossible through our own power; God made it (possible) through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (impossible in our eyes)
3) Christ calls us to work alongside Him using whatever resources are available to magnify His goodness and power.
Luke 9:11-12 "Jesus was doing miracles and teaching about the Kingdom when the disciples returned"
·      2 Cor. 3:16-18
·      “5 loaves of bread and 2 fish”


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